Friday, November 29, 2019

“Tell Me What You Pay Attention to and I Will Tell You Who You Are.” †Jose Ortega Y Gasset free essay sample

I also like other quotes by Ortega y Gasset like: â€Å"Love is that splendid triggering of human vitality, the supreme activity which nature affords anyone for going out of himself toward someone else†, but I decided to write about the quote mentioned above because along my childhood my mother always pointed out to me that people will judge me for my friends, my looks, for what clothes I will wear, for what I read, I say or do, in conclusion, for everything. As the years goes on, I found out this sad truth and how people can very easy judge us for a dress or what car we drive or worse, for what college we attend to and what friends we choose to have by our side. What Jose Ortega y Gasset wanted to say is that if you know what a person reads, listens to and watches, you can make a more than educated guess about his political leanings, I say political leanings because when Ortega y Gasset said this quote Spain oscillated between monarchy, republicanism and dictatorship, religious bent, educational background and to a certain extent, his intelligence. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Tell Me What You Pay Attention to and I Will Tell You Who You Are.† – Jose Ortega Y Gasset or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I agree with the part that say’s that we can guess the intelligence. We can difference a person with a high IQ by the language that person use, by his results at school, by the places he likes to go: opera, library’s, bookshops, by the book’s he reads and the theme the book has, like: philosophical or psychological themes, about history or science and the list can go on. I also agree with the idea that you can define some features of somebody’s personality by knowing what they read, listen, what kind of clothes they wear, what places they frequent, but I don’t agree with the fact that we can define that person, because we can’t, we can only put them in some kind of category, class or section that everyone of us have our own, I have my way of classing people and seeing things and others have their way. To maintain my idea I will give an example. In my first year of studying psychology I have a teacher that I loved very much, she was young, very agreeable and open to us and her teaching was perfect, at classes she was dressed formal, but in her personal life she was the rock type kind of girl and with â€Å"rock type† I’m talking about her clothes and the type of music she listen to; she has tattoo’s all over her back. What I am trying to say is that if someone saw her, with her rock looks and style and the tattoo’s all over her back will, maybe, say what the majority thinks about people who listen and adopt the rock style, that she is a â€Å"trashy† person, that she maybe don’t take showers very often and that she is a weird person, listening to weird music with a low interest to culture, art, school/studies. A few will think positively about her and her career, but that’s the way the majority of us people think nowadays and it’s a sad and also wrong way of seeing things. Of course, from my example I can deduce that the person who is putting this â€Å"label† on my teacher without knowing her in person is a superficial person. I say superficial because, based on what Jose Ortega y Gasset says in his quote: â€Å"tell me what you pay attention to†¦ † the person who thinks wrong about my teacher is paying attention to her looks, what she is wearing, what clothes and footwear she has and when someone is so interested in the appearance and classes people by the clothing that people are for sure superficial and shallow. Shallow is the feature that means judging a person based strictly on looks, not factoring in their personality whatsoever. So if you pay attention to looks, you are shallow and superficial, if you pay attention to what car a person drives, what label has his clothes, what mansion he haves, you are a materialist person, this means that you are chiefly interested in material comfort and you are hostile or indifferent to art and culture, a materialist knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, if you pay attention to others needs, if you jump to help them, if you make friends easily, you are a warm and pleasing person, who is very agreeable and wanted around. If you prefer buying books instead of clothes or making a gift a book for a friend and you like going to the cinema to see a lot of movies, if you like going to museums or at the opera to see theatre or ballet, this means your attention is going to art and culture, if your attention goes to reading news papers and watch the news on television or if you belong to a political organization, then your interests goes to political leanings, you like to be well informed about your country and what is happening in the world. If your attention goes to helping poor people, going to the church, volunteering at hospitals or at orphanages and doing good stuff for people in pain, hurt, need, you are a compassionate, softhearted and humble person, marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude or spirit. If you like speed (when you are driving), riding a motorcycle, action games and movies, extreme sports, you are an adventure person with no fear and in love with adrenaline, you are a perfect person to go in a vacation in the mountains and make good memories and have fun with. If your interests and attention are for experiments, science, chemical substances and reactions, nature, explaining some reactions or things that happens in the world, like global warming or some kind of nature hazards, like tsunami or hurricanes, then you are a science person, interested in theories and how the world and nature works. The list can go on with many other examples, the important thing is that knowing our interests and what are we paying attention to is how we can class a person or why not, judge someone. We can guess very easy what kind of education that person has and how intelligent she or he is, but we can never know how the person really feels inside, or what kind of heart he or she has, we can only presume or speculate about the feelings the person has and his capacity to love and care about others but we can never tell for sure until we really get to know the person close and spend time with. My grandmother has a word: â€Å"you can’t know a person in a lifetime† so it’s difficult to make a image about a person just based on some simple attentions and going by appearances, you have to want to know a person deeply and give your time and interest for this so you can finally know who he really is. However is not so bad to make predictions on a person’s character and interests, in fact, these predictions are indicated if you ask me, because in this way we can choose if that someone is good for us to have in our life. In all kind of relationships we are looking and seeking for compatibility, to have similar thoughts, to want and dream at the same things, to have the same expectations, habits so we can do things together and have fun, so we can have discussions, future plans and have a person who we know in what situation we can count on and when not. In conclusion, we can’t tell for sure how a person is, but by seeing or knowing their tastes and interests in very much everything, from books, music to clothes, art, science, we can make a image of what that person is and how intelligent, educated, kindhearted, bad/evil he is or not. Sometimes, as I said above, that image can be wrong or half true, but we can built a idea about that person and we can see if we are compatible for friendships or relationships, we can choose if we want that person to be by our side or ignore them according to their attentions or comparing them to our own. Jorz Janett-Sorina Universitatea de Vest Timisoara Facultatea de Sociologie si psihologie An II, semestrul I, grupa I

Monday, November 25, 2019

George Washingtons First Cabinet

George Washington's First Cabinet The President’s cabinet consists of the heads of each of the Executive Departments along with the Vice President. Its role is to advise the president on the issues related to each of the departments. While Article II, Section 2 of the US Constitution sets up the ability of the president to select the heads of the executive departments, President George Washington established the â€Å"Cabinet† as his group of advisors who reported in private and solely to the U.S. chief executive officer.  Washington also set the standards for each Cabinet member’s roles and how each would interact with the President. George Washington’s First Cabinet In the first year of George Washington’s presidency, only three executive departments were established. These were the Department of State, the Department of the Treasury, and the Department of War. Washington selected secretaries for each of these positions. His choices were Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, and Secretary of War Henry Knox. While the Department of Justice would not be created until 1870, Washington appointed and included the Attorney General Edmund Randolph in his first cabinet. Although the United States Constitution does not expressly provide for a Cabinet, Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 states that the President â€Å"may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices.†Ã‚  Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 states that the President â€Å"with the advice and consent of the Senate . . . shall appoint . . . all other officers of the United States.† Judiciary Act of 1789 On April 30, 1789, Washington took the oath of office as America’s first President.  It was not until almost five months later, on September 24, 1789, that Washington signed into law the Judiciary Act of 1789 which not only established the office of the U.S. Attorney General but also established a three-part judicial system consisting of: 1. the Supreme Court (which at the time consisted of only a Chief Justice and five Associate Justices); 2. United States District Courts, which heard mainly admiralty and maritime cases; and 3. United States Circuit Courts which were the primary federal trial courts but also exercised very limited appellate jurisdiction. This Act granted the Supreme Court the jurisdiction to hear appeals of decisions which were rendered by the highest court from each of the individual states when the decision addressed constitutional issues which interpreted both federal and state laws.  This provision of the act proved to be extremely controversial, especially among those who favored States rights. Cabinet Nominations Washington waited until September to form his first cabinet. The four positions were quickly filled in only fifteen days. He hoped to balance out the nominations by choosing members from different regions of the newly formed United States. Alexander Hamilton was appointed and quickly approved by the Senate as the first Secretary of the Treasury on September 11, 1789. Hamilton would continue to serve in that position until January 1795. He would have a profound impact on the early economic development of the United States. On September 12, 1789, Washington appointed Knox to oversee the U.S. Department of War.  He was a Revolutionary War hero who had served side-by-side with Washington. Knox would also continue in his role until January 1795. He was instrumental in the creation of the United States Navy. On September 26, 1789, Washington made the last two appointments to his Cabinet, Edmund Randolph as Attorney General and Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State. Randolph had been a delegate to the Constitutional Convention and had introduced the Virginia Plan for the creation of a bicameral legislature. Jefferson was a key founding father who had been the central author of the Declaration of Independence. He had also been a member of the first Congress under the Articles of Confederation and had served as a minister to France for the new nation. In contrast to having only four ministers, in 2016 the President’s Cabinet consists of sixteen members which include the Vice President. However, Vice President John Adams never attended a single one of President Washington’s Cabinet meetings. Although Washington and Adams were both federalists and each played very vital roles in the success of the colonists during the Revolutionary War, they hardly ever interacted in their positions as President and Vice President.  Although President Washington is known as being a great administrator, he seldom ever consulted Adams on any issues which caused Adams to write that the office of Vice President was the â€Å"most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.† Issues Facing Washington’s Cabinet President Washington held his first cabinet meeting on February 25, 1793. James Madison coined the term ‘cabinet’ for this meeting of the Executive department heads. Washington’s cabinet meetings soon became quite acrimonious with Jefferson and Hamilton taking opposite positions over the issue of a national bank that was part of Hamilton’s financial plan. Hamilton had created a financial plan to deal with the major economic issues that had arisen since the end of the Revolutionary War. At that time, the federal government was in debt in the amount of $54 million (which included interest), and the states collectively owed an additional $25 million. Hamilton felt that the federal government should take over the states’ debts. To pay for these combined debts, he proposed the issuance of bonds that people could buy which would pay interest over time. In addition, he called for the creation of a central bank to create a more stable currency. While northern merchants and traders mostly approved of Hamilton’s plan, southern farmers, including Jefferson and Madison, vehemently opposed it. Washington privately supported Hamiltons plan believing that it would give much needed financial support to the new nation. Jefferson, however, was instrumental in creating a compromise whereby he would convince the Southern-based Congressmen to support Hamilton’s financial plan in exchange for moving the US Capital city from Philadelphia to a Southern location. President Washington would help choose its location on the Potomac River due to its proximity to Washington’s Mount Vernon estate. This would later be known as Washington, D.C. which has been the nation’s capital ever since. As a side note, Thomas Jefferson was the very first President to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C. in March 1801 which at the time was a swampy location near the Potomac with a population that numbered around 5000 people.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Annuities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Annuities - Essay Example any for a long time and come up with the plan of reducing the cost of the pension plan in 2012 and 2013 in order to improve GM’s income generating strategies. Currently, the person acting as the treasurer is Niharika who is 45 years and will be replaced on 1st June (Bennett 1). The roles played by treasurer in the organization are capital planning, carrying out global treasury operation, world-wide banking and capital market activities. On taking the position, she will start carrying out those tasks in consideration of GM’s progress. For advancement and ensuring that GM progress in the new investment, she will be involved in business development, investor’s relations and risk management. GM has invested heavily invested in new program and she will need to make sure that the investment prospers in order for the company to gain back the $5 billion used for investment. The article shows ways in which an organization should prosper after venturing into new investments. In respect to the article, an organization should review and make changes of different departments and management (Bennett,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY - Essay Example (2002, p. 163) argued that micro-level theories of social psychology are helpful. Another perspective that was offered was from Ridgeway and Correll (2004, p. 510) who argued that cultural beliefs about gender are the key components that maintain and change the gender system. The International Trade Union Confederation reported in 2009 (p. 16), that the gender mean pay gap in the United Kingdom is 19.8% in favour of males. In the United States, based on the National Educational Longitudinal Survey data, Bobbitt-Zeher found that college-educated men in their mid-20s earn on average about $7,000 more than college-educated women on an annual basis (2007, p. 1). Bobbitt-Zeher (2007, p. 1) pointed out that the gap is still substantial at $4,400 per annum if the men and women have the same or similar credentials, scores on tests, specialization, and degrees from similar colleges. Bobbitt-Zeher elaborated (2007, p. 1) that â€Å"gender differences in fields of study continue to disadvantage women.† Further, â€Å"gender differences in work-related factors are more important than are educational differences for understanding income inequality among young workers† (Bobbitt-Zeher 2007, p. 1). Bobbit-Zeher cited that several studies have articulated t hat education may have realized an important role in reducing gender wage gaps over the past few decades. According to Bobbitt-Zeher (2007, p. 3), the following are the sources of gender-income gap: (1) the tendency for certain college majors to be associated with gender; (2) alleged link between standardized tests and gender; (3) the link between gender and amount of education; and (4) the selectivity of the college attended. Cohen and Huffman (2007, p. 681) reported that women representation in management can be a source of gender-wage gap at the workplace. Cohen and Huffman (2007, p. 681) made the conclusion based on statistical results from three-level hierarchical models on data drawn from the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Correlation Between the Amount of Hours Studied per Week and the Speech or Presentation

Correlation Between the Amount of Hours Studied per Week and the Points Obtained Within One Semester - Speech or Presentation Example Their research delved on the correlations among hours spent studying, learning style, and academic performance as measured by grades. The study made use of 34 mechanical engineering students who were requested to log into a study diary within a weeks time. The tool utilized for students learning style was that authored by Biggs – the Study Process Questionnaire. The results suggest that a shallow approach to learning is strongly correlated with longer study hours and high class attendance. It is thus possible to still have low grades despite high class attendance. The efficiency of the students learning style thus matters still. The study has been undertaken to determine the correlation between number of hours of study and academic test score. Moreover, it intends to ascertain if there are significant differences in both hours of study and academic test scores on the basis of gender. As such, the following are the hypotheses tested in the current research: The research takes on a quantitative approach, mainly gathering numerical data on two variables: hours of study and academic test scores. Two other variables have been gathered, namely, gender and grade. Gender has two levels, male and female. There are also two levels for grade, Grade 12 and Grade 13. There are a total of 40 respondents for the study, which have been selected randomly. There are 20 males and 20 students from each of Grades 12 and 13. Random sampling has been used to ensure that the sample that is yielded is representative of the whole population of interest. Thus, valid conclusions may be garnered. The randomly selected students were asked to explicitly give consent for their participation in the study. They were asked through phone interviews about the variables of interest, namely, number of hours of study and academic performance scores. All the data have been manually encoded through Excel, and then transferred to SPSS

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Introduction To Industrialised Building System Construction Essay

Introduction To Industrialised Building System Construction Essay In this chapter, the detail of explanation and relevant literature review of Industrialised Building System in Malaysia high rise project will be presented. Generally, the contents of this chapter are covered by definitions, classification, essential characteristic, critical success factors and barriers of the IBS implementation of the high rise buildings in our local construction industry. The IBS is not a common term in Malaysia Construction industry now. Until now, it still has no one common accepted or agreed definition of IBS by any researchers. However, there are few researchers define the IBS on the characteristics and definition with different way. IBS is often referred to as off-site construction of the literature (Pan et al. 2008), remote (Blismas, 2006) the production, industrialization and automation of construction (Warszawski 1999), the off-site manufacturing, prefabricated buildings, pre-assemblies building (Gibb Isack, 2003), the prefabricated building, prefabricated building, non-traditional architecture and modern method of construction (MMC) said by Kamar, 2009. The following is the definition of the IBS from different authors: Warszawski (1999) described the process of industrialization, investment in equipment, facilities and technology to maximize production, reduce labour resources, and improve the quality. These elements are interconnected and joint together to make or improve performances of the building. Rahman and Omar (2006) said that the IBS as a construction system by using prefabricated building systems. The manufacturing of the components are done with machines, templates, and other forms of machinery and equipment. Components manufactured off-site, once completed, will be delivered to the General Assembly and erection of the construction site. IBS is defined as an integrated manufacturing and construction process, carefully planned organization, and efficient management, preparation and control of resources, activities and results from the highly developed components (Lessing, et al., 2005). The most comprehensive definition of IBS was perhaps clarified by Junid (1986). He said that in the process of industrialization in the construction industry, including IBS, building component, vision, planning, fabrication, transportation and site erection. The system includes a combination of software and hardware components of the balance between. Software includes system design; this is a complex process, learning the end-user requirements, market analysis, development of standardized components, manufacturing and assembly layout and process of the establishment, allocation of resources and material, a definition of the concept of architect framework. The software element provides a prerequisite for creating an enabling environment for industrialization and expansion. Chung Kadir (2007) defined as a large-scale production of building components IBS both in the factory or on-site according to standard shapes and sizes and transportation to the construction site, re-arrange some standard form construction and specifications Construction Industry Development Board (2003) defined as a construction method in which components are produced in a controlled environment (or off) IBS, transportation, location and assembled into a minimal additional site works with the structure. The definition of Industrial building systems (IBS) is varies. It depends on the authors position and philosophy in the ontology and epistemology. Some authors may be defined as a process or technology IBS. Table 2.1 is to highlight the definition of IBS category. On the other hand, there is an ontological position, either as a method, idea, product, innovation, improvement, modernization and new methods of provision. This problem has been discussed in the construction industry, since the industrial revolution, to change the human way of life and economic activity. Since the concept of quality improvement and in industry, invention and innovation, has become an important industry to deal with. This production and services, as the construction industry continues to progress and development, the latest and modern instrument factors. Then, every industry stakeholder can define with themselves on their practices and methods. Table 2.2 shows, only the author describes the process of defin ing a list of IBS and technology. Table 2.1: The Ontology of Building system (Sources: Adopted from Abdullah, 2009) Authors Characteristics Factory Base(Off-site) Production Techniques Mass Production Site Erection and Preassemblies Modular Component Elements Standardisation Labour Reduction Modem Method Automation Manufacturing Parid, W., 1997 X Trikha, D.N., 1999 X X X X Gibb, A,. 1999 X X X Warszawski, 1999 X X X X Ingemar, L. and Gylltoft.K 2000 X X X Kadir, M.R.A., et al., 2005 X X X X Marsono, A.K. et al,. 2006 X X X Table 2.2: The Characteristics of Building system (Sources: Adopted from Abdullah, 2009) Bil Authors Process Techniques 1 Dietz (1971) X 2 Dickerman (1973) X 3 Junid (1986) X 4 Parid (1997) X 5 Esa Nurrudin (1998) X 6 Badir Razali (1998) X 7 Trikha (1999) X 8 Warszawski (1999) X 9 CIDB Malaysia (1999) X 10 CIDB Malaysia (2003) X 11 Lessing (2005) X 12 Marsono. (2006) X 13 Rahman Omar (2006) X 14 MD Rahim (2006) X 15 Chung L.P. (2006) X 16 Henry M.A. (2006) X 17 (CIB) TG57 X 18 (CIB W24) X 2.2 Classification of IBS MMC is a long-term off-site infrastructure as technology and technological innovation of the collective description of the scene. The latter includes techniques such as thin-joint block work and tunnel in the form of construction (Goodier and Gibb, 2006). MMC also includes the floor or roof cassettes, pre-cast concrete foundation components, pre-formed wiring looms, mechanical engineering composite materials and modern construction methods. They can also include such as a tunnel or in combination with thin pieces of work (NAO, 2005; Gibb and Pendlebury, 2006) innovation (which is the essential characteristic). As the above quote, IBS is a component in which manufacturing, positioning and assembled into a structure with minimal extra site works off and on-site (CIDB, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹2003; Chung, 2006). Although outside the technology will be discussed below, on-site prefabricated IBS can be used in place of steel formwork system (CIDB, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ †¹2003) in the form. Production and construction site prior to installation, they found a remote location off-site construction of the assembly or part of the description of the spectrum. All off-site may be a general decline in IBS and MMC title, not all of the IBS and MMC can be considered as off-site (Gibb and Pendleton, 2006). Off-site construction (OSC), off-site manufacturing (OSM) and off-site production (OSP) is basically interchangeable terms refers to the construction process, to carry out the construction site, such as in factories, away from the part of or sometimes in a specially established near the construction site (or field factories) (Goodier and Gibb, 2006) of temporary production facilities. Pre-fabrication is usually in a dedicated facility where a variety of materials joined to form the final part of the installation components (Tatum et al, 1986). While, the components maybe assemble on and offsite, Pre-assembly carried on a definition as in which a variety of materials, prefabricated components and equipment to join up as a sub-unit of the installation process in a remote location. It is generally concentrated in the system (ibid). Therefore, a general classification of IBS-MMC term is promoted in this paper based on the following hypothesis compiled by the previous researchers. Figure 2.1 below is show that a generic classification of IBS in MMC. Modern Method of Construction (MMC) Industrialised Building System Non Industrialised System Off-site Manufacturing (OSM), Prefabrication, Offsite Fabrication (OSF), Offsite Production (OSP) On-Site Fabrication Pre-assembly at Factory Assembly on site Figure 2.1: A generic classification of IBS in MMC (Sources: adopted from Kamarul Anuar Mohd Kamar, 2009) As defined, IBS-MMC has a various classifications, materials, processes and systems basis. Table 2.3 describes the classification of IBS, system construction, MMC and OSMs. It compares the different views and classification terms. Table 2.3: Comparison of IBS-MMC Classification (Sources: Adopted from Kamarul Anuar Mohd Kamar, 2009) Industrialised system classification (Badir et. Al 1998) Majzub (1977) system classification MMC classification (Gibb Pendlebury, 2006). Ross and Richards on (2005) and (NOA, 2005) Gibb Issac (2003) pre-assembly and pre-fabrication classification Abosad et. Al (2009) classification on OSM IBS Classification (CIDB, 2003) -Conventional building system -Cast in situ formwork system table or tunnel formwork -Prefabricated system -Composite system -Panel System -Box System -Frame System -Volumetric -Panelised -Hybrid -Subassemblies and components -Non-off-sites-Modem Methods of Construction -Component manufacture and sub-assembly -Non-volumetric sub-assembly -Volumetric pre-assembly -Modular Housing -Volumetric System -Panelised System -Hybrid System -Sub-assemblies and component system -Modular system -Pre-cast concrete-framed building -Pre-cast concrete wall system -Reinforced concrete Building with Pre-cast concrete slab -Steel Formwork System -Steel-framed building and Roof Trusses Majzub (1977) described the construction of classification should be based on the proposed use of components in Table 2.4 the relative weights. Weight factors have a significant impact on the portability of components, but also on the production of components and field methods of installation method. By weight category, there are components used in the production of basic material itself to determine the characteristics of the system being studied to distinguish between the advantages. However, Majzub classification is found to have inadequate construction of the recently incorporated into other systems to flourish. One striking example is the interlocking load-bearing blocks; this is a group of researchers at the University Putra Malaysia brainchild. This new system construction cannot be according to the framework, panels, and even box system. On the other hand, complex system that combines two or more of the construction methods cannot be classified under the classification of Maj zub. Therefore, the classification needs to be updated to imitate current technological progress. Table 2.4: Building system classification according to relative weight of component (Source: Adopted from Majzub, 1977) No General System System Production Material 1 Frame system Light weight frame Wood, light gage metals Medium light weight frame Metal, reinforced plastics, laminated wood Heavy weight frame Heavy steel, concrete 2 Panel system Light and medium weight panel Wood frame, metal frame, and composite materials Heavy weight panel (factory produced) Concrete Heavy weight panel (tilt up- produced on site) Concrete 3 Box system (module) Medium weight box (mobile) Wood frame, light gage metal, composite Medium weight box (sectional) Wood frame, light gage metal, composite Heavy weight box (factory produced) Concrete Heavy weight box (tunnel produced on site) Concrete C:UsersAndyNGAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.WordNew Picture (2).png Figure 2.2 Type of Building System in Malaysia (Source: Adopted from Thanoon et al, 2003) In general, there are currently four types of building systems in Malaysia, Razali building system classification according to Badir et al. 1998, there are traditional, cast in situ, precast composite building system is shown in Figure 2.2. Each building system is on behalf of their construction method, which is further through its construction technology, features and geometry features. It is reported that there are at least 22 companies in Malaysia to provide institution building (Badir et al, 2002). From the point of  structural classification,  IBS  can be categorized  into five  major  groups, which are: prefabricated  timber  frame system Components  under  this group are  the columns, beams, floor slabs, prefabricated  roof  truss  system and similar as  made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹from wood. Formwork system Mould for  concrete  component  moulds to  cast  there  as pillars, beams,  floor slabs  and wall panels  that can be used  repeatedly. These  moulds  are usually made  of plastic, fibreglass,  steel, aluminium  and  other  metal materials. Steel frame system Components  of this category are column, beam, portal frame and  roof  truss systems are made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹of  steel. framing systems,  panel  and pre-cast  concrete  box Components  of this category are column, beam, portal frame and  pre-cast wall panels. It also including in three-dimensional pre-fabricated  components  such as  stairs, balusters  and toilets. System block This system refers to the use of concrete block (precision block works), including lightweight concrete blocks; the blocks are locked (interlocking block) and so on. It is hoping that IBS classification can be standardized in order for IBS-MMC to be acknowledged by practitioners as a primer construction method. 2.3 Essential Characteristics of IBS This is a reasonable review of the conditions, they emphasized that the successful implementation of industrialized building systems. Each of them briefly discussed below. 2.3.1 Modular Coordination Modular coordination or MC is a dimensional system. Coordination of a modular space size  harmonized system, parts,  accessories, etc.,  so that all  elements  fit  not to cut  or extend the  components and  accessories,  even  from different vendors (Trikha, 1999) made together. It is a concept of dimension and space, including construction and components on the basis of their name is called 1M, equal to 100 mm in the basic module units or coordination. The use of MC in IBS is effective application of the important factors, because it completed the industry through quality control and productivity answered by a staff of CIDB. The objectives of the modular coordination are: Create a variety of types and sizes of building components, can minimize foundation. Through the rationalization of the construction method, each component of the design and other similar exchange, therefore, designers freedom and choice provides the greatest degree. This can take a relatively large basic unit of measurement (basic module) and by limiting the dimensions of building components to recommended preferred sizes said by Warszawski (1999). Allow easy by any prefabricated buildings layout and exchange capacity. This is to achieve a common, rather than references to other components (Warszawski 1999) definition of modular grid construction and placement of each component. To reduce waste in the production of the installation process, by increasing productivity, to improve the quality of the construction industry and to encourage an open system. With open systems approach, building components can be combined in a variety of individual projects, while ensuring that their design architects of freedom. Modular building component of the length of the coordinated application of the basic units or M = 100cm module. This allows designers to apply this size or in the production of building components, its multiple. While the concept seems easy to pass, its application in the manufacturing process involves a large degree of harmonization and alignment and component interfaces (Kamar et al. 2009). 2.3.2 Closed system A closed system can be divided into two categories, namely design and production according to customer design and production based on pre-casters. The first category is designed to meet customer space requirements, that is, the specific building design and construction of various features of the space required. In this case, the customer needs is critical, pre-caster always forced to a specific part of the building. On the other hand, the fabrication on the basis of pre-casters design, including design and production of a single building type or alternative of a group of buildings, can generate common component assortments of. Such building includes school, parking garage, gas station, low cost housing, etc. Nevertheless these types of building arrangement can be justified economically only when the following circumstances are observed (Warszawski, 1999): Commitment because of specific design and project large enough to allow for the additional cost of each component in design and production costs of distribution. Openerved a large number of architectural design elements of repetition and standardization. In this regard, a new kind of prefabricated systems can automated the design and production process to overcome a number of standardized elements of the requirements. There is sufficient demand, is a typical types such as school construction, so that mass production can be. There is a pre-caster intensive marketing strategy to inspire customers and designers in the economic and non-economic aspects of long-term potential benefits of the system. 2.3.3 Open system In closed system the limitations inherent to an open system, which allows greater design flexibility to maximize coordination with designers and pre-caster have been proposed. The system is feasible, because it allows pre-caster products in a predetermined range and architectural aesthetic value while maintaining a limited number of elements. Kamarul Anuar Mohamad Kamar (2009) defined that open system concept is encouraged by the irritable bowel syndrome, to ensure that the architects in their design freedom. Open systems approach building components, a variety of individual projects can be combined in different products and technologies as part of interchange ability. A partition between the structure and the filling system may give different solutions, customized and pre-level standards. Separation according to building components, could lead to new forms of organization of production, use of standardized elements. Open System was first promoted during the rebuilding years of post-war Netherlands. Size, location and components of the interface rules of the open system is an important part. Kamarul Anuar Mohamad Kamar (2009) defined open system with the following characteristics: Open system is an innovative design and construction. It allows interchange ability of various components and subsystems manufacturers and suppliers. An open architecture components together the advantages of market needs, a variety of geometric and functional building types. It will encourage participation in manufacturing and assembly to enter the market, thereby reducing the price of IBS components. It advocates a modular concept and the separation of different levels of decision-making. Use standard welding system to resolve two or more systems in a building. It allows customers to participate in the design. Customers can choose to use the components provided by the developer of any building components directory. Open system will encourage pre-assembled by a higher level of industrialization and automation. 2.3.4 Standardisation and Tolerances To achieve the requirements of modular coordination, all components need to be standardized production. This standardization of the elements of space and the need to provide at various stages of construction, such as manufacturing tolerances, the tolerances and erection tolerances, so that combined statistical considerations on acquired tolerance to the extent permitted (Trikha, 1999). If the output is standardised, then the production resources can be used in most efficient manner. Then the production process, machinery and training of workers, can best absorb the specific characteristics of the product. 2.3.5 Specialisation Large precast production and standardization of production process, the height of the division of labour. This process can be subdivided into a lot of small standardized tasks. In such working conditions, workers exposures to their work repetitiously have a high level of productivity (Warszawski, 1999). 2.3.6 Production facility The initial capital investment to establish a permanent factor is the relative experience. Plant, equipment, skilled workers, management of resources needed to produce pre-acquisition can begin. Such a huge investment can only break even, if there is sufficient demand for the product. On the other hand, the establishment of a temporary casting yard or plant in the project site to minimize transportation costs (Peng, 1986). 2.3.7 Transportation It is found that the casting slab system can reduce the cost of labour up to 30%. However, these cost savings partially offset by transportation costs. Traffic has also been a large board in the countrys road sector requirements. When adopting prefabrication system, those limitations must be taken into consideration (Peng, 1986). 2.4 Barriers of implementation of IBS in Malaysia Clearly, the benefits offered by IBS are immense and plausible. It has been six years since the launching of the IBS Roadmap 2003 and is about the end of the mission of industrialising construction. The construction industrys stakeholders are little bit sceptical on using IBS product. It is pertinent to examine the progress and how close to the completion of the mission to date. More importantly, it is imperative to evaluate whether the implementation of the roadmap has met the market response to the IBS programme so far. Most policy issues have been resolved and implemented, while all relevant documents required to support the programme have been developed. In particular activities under the charge of CIDB are all meeting their datelines. Notwithstanding these achievements a number of implementation snags were identified as being potential hurdles to the implementation of the roadmap. Warszawski (1999) pointed out some of the barriers in implementing industrialisation in construction industry. There are decline in demand and volatile of building market make an investment in IBS more risky compared to conventional labour intensive method. Prefabrication elements are considered inflexible with respect to changes with may required over its life span. At university level student are less exposed to technology, organization and design of industrialised building system. An adaptation of standardization requires a tremendous education and training effort. Standardization of building elements face resistance from construction industry due to aesthetics reservation and economic reasons (Kampempool et al, 1986). Trikha (1999) cited the hindrance to the use of IBS due to lack of assessment criteria set by the approving authorities to urge the developers to use IBS. Poor response from the construction players to modular coordination despite heavy promotions and incentives from the government is also a hindrance to the successive implementation of IBS in Malaysia. As a result, partial introduction of IBS such as lintels and staircase has not been successful compare to the traditional cast in situ design. Kamar et al. (2009) said that a clear need for the construction industry in Malaysia IBS is a huge and credible strongly encourage the government and the system implementation plan. In fact, most of the contractors are not prepared to bid for IBS construction tender. Thanoon et. al. (2003) also highlighted cheap labour cost is the main barriers to the expedition of IBS. There are wide swing in house demands, whereas mainly caused by the high interest rate and low performance in economical factor. He also pointed out lack of skilled construction workforce which severe the situation. The nature characteristics of construction project which are fragmented, diverse and involve many parties. There lack of local RD and novel building system that use local material, which makes IBS often relies to imported technology from other countries. There are also insufficient incentive and promotion from the government to use IBS. The main reasons for the low adoption of IBS in Malaysia as stated in Construction Industry Master Plan (CIMP 2006-2015) are lack of integration in design stage and poor knowledge. IBS manufacturers are currently involved only after design stage. This lack of integration among relevant players in design stage has resultant in need for plan redesign and additional cost to be incurred if IBS is adopted. Client and approving authorities have poor knowledge of IBS compared to architects and engineers. Familiarity with IBS concept and its benefits is vital to its success because IBS requires different approach in construction. Despite this advances, some of the barriers were identified as potential barriers are being implemented: 2.4.1 Awareness and Knowledge According to the IBS Roadmap Review Report (2007), in Malaysia IBS is through a client-driven. Benefit of IBS has a good knowledge and awareness of the customer is bound to encourage the appointment of architect to design building to the IBS. However, the lack of awareness programs, to understand customer needs, and give correct information on IBS lack of interest from clients and policymakers (Rahman and Omar, 2006). Therefore, IBS is often misunderstood as high-risk process, rather than any interests of the owner of the building to contribute the lack of knowledge between the designer project lead to take the extra time delay to produce the details of the drawing. Client IBS roadmap (2007) based on client review, by Malaysia IBS is no longer such as customer-oriented Jusco, Tesco and other customers have insisted fast track construction. In housing development, with good knowledge and awareness of IBS clients will thus benefit from the appointment of designers to encourage the construction of IBS. However, the lack of awareness programs, leading to misunderstanding led to a lack of interest from clients and decision makers (Rahman and Omar, 2006). IBS is from the clients point of view, unless it is necessary to fast track projects, such as Tesco, Jusco projects, often misinterpreted as high-risk and expensive solutions. Local Authority Lack of knowledge among the approving authority, IBS, and the relationship between the current building codes misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Familiar with IBS will speed up the design approval, to ensure the success of IBS projects (construction of the master plan, 2007) is essential. But most of local authorities do not know the design of IBS often need more time than usual to deal with design approval. Policy Makers Chung and Kadir (2007) observed that most local authorities in Malaysia is unlikely to change local building regulations, to meet the adjustment, will consume a lot of time and cost of IBS. IBSs mid-term review (2007) stated that through a unified architecture from low amendment (MC) of modular coordination of law enforcement (UBBL) has not been implemented due to lack of knowledge and decision-makers between the concept of understanding. Workers Government hopes the IBS will help reduce dependence on foreign workers, 30% by 2015. But most people in the industry do not think IBS will greatly decrease the number of workers in the industry. IBS is a plant from the job site environment, environmental issues, said: A senior industry source said. 2.4.2 Planning and Implementation At presents, the pre-casters and contracting companies in Malaysia involved in the construction bidding phase the value chain. However, the observation of the design of IBS, and plans need to be addressed in the form at the design stage, to be successful through the slot before casting machine, designers and contractors (IBS roadmap review, 2007) integration. As a result, many projects in Malaysia IBS are not cost-effective, because it is intended to replace the traditional methods of design. IBS application has been included in the design stage. Changes in design, requires a lot of further adjustment, the rise of the initial time and cost. In addition, IBS demands a more coherent process, from initial planning and control structure, the end of the project, in order to achieve the target, and decrease defects and errors (Gibb, 2001 and Warszawski 1999). The overall project should be considered in such way that as soon as the components are manufactured, it is probable to bring it to the construction site and assemble it. Any delay, either in workshop or construction site has been phased requirements and production plans, from the part of several construction projects, as scheduled at the same time a serious impact on production. Although you can create any type of pre-architectural design, but if the possibility of production and construction, taking into account at the design stage itself can solve several problems related to manufacturing, transportation, and assembly of complex interfaces (Pan et al. 2008 and Hamid et al. 2008). The most common problems usually involve beams, columns and column bases in connection with the improper assembly of the components. These problems arise due to the fact that the parties involved in the construction of a main underestimating the accuracy of the base line and levelling. Basically, the precise formation and alignment of the two bases is the most important aspects of the rapid success of precast concrete erection (Rahman and Omar, 2006). 2.4.3 Costs Kamar et al. (2009) mentioned that many small contractors are unwilling to use the IBS system, and want to continue using traditional construction methods. This is due to the fact that small contractors are already common with the technology and suitable for small scale projects, so do not want to switch t

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Why Feng Shui? Essay -- Philosophy

The word Feng Shui (fung shway) literally means wind and water in Chinese. These major energy sources underlie the belief that environmental factors influence people greatly and this is the basis of Feng Shui. The bagua chart indicates how elements, directions and aspects of life can be of influence. There is a wealth of information on the subject from practitioners and journalists that prove the benefits of Feng Shui. Disbelievers that began to practice it brought great prosperity and luck into their lives leading them to become advocates of the practice. Therefore, it stands to reason that though there is a counter argument against the argument that Feng Shui is hugely beneficial; it is disproven by successful business people, converts and journalists. Business tycoons, financial institutions, architects, offices and homeowners use Feng Shui principles. Many highly successful and intelligent people spend time and money incorporating this ancient art, and yet there are the skeptics that attempt to prove it to be a waste of time. Feng Shui is now a global phenomenon it brings wealth and well-being, yet it is surrounded with skepticism; even the skeptics eventually change when they are deluged with its benefits. Feng Shui is an ancient art which originated in Asia thousands of years ago. It is based on the bagua chart which gives readings and decides on the best actions to take when designing buildings or arranging furniture in the interior of a building. The chart is based on the I Ching, an ancient Chinese text that includes ancient cosmic principles and divination methods. There are eight directions on the chart, which give instructions on what the practitioner should do to manifest good energy, and attract the desired outcomes... ...nne. "Feng shui puts your furniture and your life in order." The Wall Street Journal (1996): 12. Proquest. 9 Apr. 2012 . Lagatree, Kirsten. "Ancient chinese wisdom for the modern workplace." Training and Development 51.1 (1997): 26-29. Proquest. 9 Apr. 2012 . Weltman, Barbara and Michael, Hayes. "Feng Shui for Beginners." Journal of Accountancy 200.6 (2005): 36-39. Proquest. 9 Apr. 2012 . Asis-Leif Designs. 2001/2012. 6 May 2012 2012. 6 May 2012

Monday, November 11, 2019

How Religion is Detrimental to Human Enlightenment Essay

Religion has bequeathed us with numerous powers to live, breathe in peace, and capture our soul to realize the truth of ourselves and divine. The whole concept of religion lies in the fact that it binds us with our imperceptible creator and enables us to visualize our self and our esteem perquisite hidden power. But to this religion only, we owe extreme form of fundamentalism and fanaticism that since centuries and as far as our history goes have been detrimental to the basic core of all our religions and religious faiths. Religious doctrines of almost all over the world laid down principles of the life for their respective societies: how they will live and follow their religious rituals? These religious practices prepared persons in their respective societies to live in harmony with each other and maintain the cordial ambience with their environment. Almost all the religions of the world adopted their own religious belief systems. But when these systems take an extreme form of fundamentalism and show their aggression and disbelief against other religious groups and faith, they hurt at the most fundamental concepts of human lives on which religions are based. They make religion as the most hatred thing in the world and turn it into the most inauspicious aspect for human enlightenment. Religion enlightens by inculcating within the people the moral values on which the human life and society is flourishing but when the propagators of these moral values use the religious beliefs and religion to instigate their fame and for their own commercial purposes, this religion only becomes a darker phase in their life. Just when 16th century began to shower the new rays of hope on the mother Earth, Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli, an Italian political philosopher, diplomat poet, playwright and musician wrote, â€Å"We Italians are irreligious and corrupt above others. †¦.. because the church and her representatives have set us the worst example. †1 According to Machiavelli, religion became just a mere tool in the hands of ruling powers to change the mind set of the public according to their own needs and aspirantions. And its happening till today. This world of today is witness to the massive force of ruling class using religion to meet their political and commercial needs. Cotton Mather, writing of a former condition which he would admired to have renewed in his own time, said: â€Å"New England being a country whose interests are remarkbaly in ecclesiastical circumstances, ministers ought to concern themselves in politics. † 2 Further said by Cobb, in the early days, the clergy had a greater influence on the minsteral affairs and the influence was so much that they with their ruling power could bring magistrates and courts too to their dictate. This led number of clergies to misuse the power and made the religion as an instrument of bigotry and superstition. 3 The clergy, political class and other religious fanatics made religion an arena of superstition and doctrine of blind faith that did not believe in the new thoughts of this scientific and highly technological advanced world of today and made religion deterimental to Human enlightenment. Human enlightenment endows the knowledge and awakening of human values and the knowledge of scientific truths and temperament that has made our life at ease. Science wants us to solve all problems of our life through deep regressive thoughts and our own efforts. Atheists began to instigate the adherance to religion and God within us. They believe that no divine power can solve our problem and prayer is just a wastage of time. 4 1 Burckhardt, pp. 272 2 Cobb, pp. 237 3 Cobb, pp. 237 4. Cronish, para 2, Online Edition In fact even Albert Ellis, PhD, said, â€Å"If religion is defined as man’s dependence on a power above and beyond the human, then, as a psychotherapist, I find it to be exceptionally pernicious. Religion, first of all, is not self-interest – it is god-interest. Religiosity is essentially masochism and both are forms of mental sickness. All religions contend that their super-human entities cannot be humanly experienced and that their gods and their principles are beyond science. Religion is†¦ directly opposed to the goals of mental health. †5 Religion beckons us to follow spiritual life but the way religious doctrines are propagated and publicized and mould the mental attitude of the people, they are going even against the moral values that are so basic for a person to be human. The politicians, religious heads and other fanatics are misusing the religious doctrines to spread among human race superstition, blind faith, sins, violence chaos and disorder. History is clear proof to show how since ages poltical rulers and religious heads are degrading the religious doctrines and misrepresenting them to fulfill their own aims and are spreading useless dogmas, corrupt powerhouses, chaos and confusion and thus result in making the religious values as a sole detrimental to Human enlightenment. The religious texts of almost all the religions of the world have been written by humans, that are centuries old, in their own language and style that people of today’s generation are not able to comprehend and take out the extract what lies beneath the hidden text. This lack of understanding belies the own faith and life style of the contemporary world. As Christopher Hitchens in â€Å"God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything† said that as religion has impeded people to treat other persons in a just manner and it is not necessary to learn the basic human values and human relations from religion or religious doctrines. Human relations come 5 Cronish, para 2, Online Edition from human own needs and aspirations. Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens state that â€Å"Religion and churches are manufactured, and this salient fact is too obvious to ignore. †6 And according to Dawkins, â€Å"The manufacturing and growth of religion is best described in evolutionary terms: Religions, like languages, evolve with sufficient randomness, from beginnings that are sufficiently arbitrary, to generate the bewildering – and sometimes dangerous – richness of diversity. †7 And Harris delving into the historicity of the religious tradition and doctrine states that â€Å"The Bible, it seems certain, was the work of sand-strewn men and women who thought the earth was flat and for whom a wheelbarrow would have been a breathtaking example of emerging technology. †8 He further states that it was not even the work of sand-strewn men but several written pieces were pierced together and compiled to give shape to the bible. Further elaborating Dawkins states that, â€Å"Ever since the nineteenth century, scholarly theologians have made an overwhelming case that the gospels are not reliable accounts of what happened in the history of the real world. †9 It implies that the bible and almost the majority of the religious texts were written taking in view the social, culture, political turmoil that were affecting the people of that time and period but that can be relevant to this time and period too if properly interpreted and comprehended. But unfortunately this is not happening, Hitechens wants to tell us that all our academic studies, like â€Å"the sciences of textual criticism, archaeology, physics, and molecular biology have shown religious myths to be false and man-made. †10 Science has proved that all religions are construed by 6 Fish, para 1,Online Edition 7 Fish, para 1, Online Edition 8 Fish, para 1, Online Edition 9 Fish, para 2, Online Edition 10 Fish, para 3, Online Edition men for their own purpose and it was the man of that time and age who wrote the textual books. Titus Lucretius Carus, Roman poet of first century B. C in his magnificent rendered opus De Rerum Natura postered the view that, â€Å"But ’tis that same religion oftener far Hath bred the foul impieties of men. †11 He held the belief that the world was made up of matter and void, and everything in the world is learned and understood purely from nature and that all the religions of the world are born because of the fear that people faced because of the dangers that nature had in store for them in their primitive stage and their ignorance about the world around, about themselves and about everything that were part and parcel of their life. Humans were afraid of fire that is why they started worshiping fire, they were afraid of animals so they made many of the animals their deity. Slowly and slowly, they turned their worshipping into rituals that necessiated them to follow in their lifes. Their religious freedom and beliefs strangled their hold on the people’s freedom. Initially they made this beginning to give protective cover to people against discrimination, persecution and oppression but in this momentum, the religious fundamentalists and fanatics made religion too symbol of slavery, persecution and oppression of weaker sects and women. For e. g. many of the propagators of the religions thought it their right to confer discriminatory attitude against gays, force women and children to cover their face with veil. 12 And above all their rights to threaten to death or kill anyone and everyone who comes in front of their religion. In many religions, women’s place is inferior to men. Rev. Jill Nelson, pastor of the Sunshine Cathedral Metropolitan Community Church, commenting on Leviticus 20:13, said, â€Å"It is grounded in the old Jewish understanding that women are less worthy than men. For a man to 11 Lucretius, Book I – Proem, Line 3-4. 12 Namazie, Online Edition. have sex with another man ‘as with a woman’ insults the other man, because women are to be treated as property. †13 The most essential needs of our human beings are food, clothing, shelter, leisure and the most important being freedom. It’s the freedom that we all cherish and along-with the freedom need awareness, emotional satisfaction, responsibility towards ourselves and for others. Human beings are enlightened if they get freedom and independence of thoughts and sexuality and many of the religions are snatching this only freedom by putting before us several of their religious doctrines. Though many of the religions like Buddhism and Christianity say that feeling of essence of spirituality itself is the freedom for you. The New Testament of the Christianity says, â€Å"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free† implying that knowing the spiritual truth and freedom of choice will give you freedom but in this materialistic and scientific world of today we are not seeking just the freedom of spirituality but freedom in all the way’s of our life, and in all our breath. We cannot grow unless we are free. Karl Marx had an ardent belief that religion is socially construed, and is harmful for human lives as it discourages the down trodden human beings from participating actively in the political, social and economic upheavals of the society as it promises that the faithful people shall be rewarded in the life after. Ruling class treat religion as a tool to suppress the sufferings and down trodden by implying their own modifications of religious doctrines. For their own commercial and social gains, they imbibe the religious textual principles and traits among the poor and hamper their economical progress and independence. 13 Kinney, Online Edition. 14 Muhammad, Online Edition Marx labeled religion as an opium of people because the religion could give poor the momentarily relief but could not make them rid of their prolong sufferings. Secondly, religion gives them dreams of better life after their death. In other words, Marx treats religion as a rout of Escapism. In the words of Marx, â€Å"The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo. †15 Marx says that the concept of sin so highly delivered by Christian doctrine is anti-social as Christian doctrine is inherent in the nature of human beings that becomes the part of the misery and Marx says that sins are socially planned and implemented and ought to be changed. It is the world of man, man is a part of this state and society, and it is this society that religion own its existence to. To ignore religion means to ignore the roots of our civilization, its monuments, its beliefs and practices, achievement and the legacy that it had bestowed onto us by our ancestors. If we do not have our own religious faith, its bound to have venomous effect on our own personality but this very religion becomes our enemy when we begin to use its doctrines and principles to embellish our own selfish ends. And this misinterpretation of the religious doctrines, selfishness of the ruling and powerful elite make our religions detrimental to Human Enlightenment. WORKS CITED Burckhardt, Jacob. â€Å"The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy† (Translated by S. G. Middlemore) USA: Penguin Classics, 1990 Cobb, Sanford H. â€Å"The Rise of Religious Liberty in America: A History† Ayer Publishing, 1970. Cornish, Keith S. â€Å"SECULAR SYSTEMS† atheist foundation. org. au Internet (19August 2002) Available: http://www. atheistfoundation. org. au/secularsystems. htm, 10 December 2007 Fish, Stanley. â€Å"Is Religion Man-Made? † Internet (24 June 2007) Available:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

For Gun Control Legislation

For Gun Control Legislation Free Online Research Papers Discussing gun control in America Fear is in the eyes of every American citizen. Never knowing what this world can throw at you. Every citizen lives his or her own life thinking they are protected from by local law enforcement . With the numbers of them decreasing, do to the lack of funding and slow economy, crime is on the rise and where do you look for protection? Many would say owning a gun would protect his or her own family from every danger that comes there way, but with the locals laws and the ever going debate of gun control is trying to give up these rights to the average blue collard hard working Americans that work for every hard earn penny they own. Ever since this great nation was founded by are founding fathers The Right to Bare Arms has been a right given and granted to every American citizen. With the times changing rapidly and sick human beings taking advantage of this right to own and operate guns, they believe we need to enforce more strike guns laws. Which is completely understandable. Yes, they need to be out of the hands of citizens who are convicted with crimes and already lost their privilege to bare arms. But changing the whole system and making it harder for citizens who obey by the laws to bare arms is outrageous. Many stories from time to time explain owning a gun is better then not having a gun at all. If you never use it, you know it is always there. Many cases have shown your everyday average citizen saving a life by taking there own action to stop a criminal from harming others citizens do to the fact, if they stopped what they were doing and didnt act on the situation and called 911 for law enforcement to get on the scene. That person would already to dead by the time they got there. I mean statics have shown that there is 1 police officer for every 23,000 people in this country. Now how can that 1 police officer protect me. If a criminal is wanting to get his hand on a gun, there is not a doubt in my mind he will get his hand on one. Either somewhere on the streets or friend of a friend. They are sick and will do whatever it takes. The problem I see is that, state by state laws are different. If a criminal cant purchase and gun without consenting to a background check in Ohio, but can go to Indiana and get one no problem, what does that solve. The laws for criminals should be forced upon to every state. I do say with many other hard working blue collard citizens that a gun would protect my family and I from any immediate danger. But if your going to make laws that is going to make it harder for a non criminal citizen who has never broken his or her right to bare arms to get a hold of a gun is just not right. Enforce if harder for the people who lost there right, and push harder to get all the illegal guns off the streets so they will be out of the hands of criminals and in the hands of people who clearly know what is right and what is wrong. Research Papers on For Gun Control LegislationThe Effects of Illegal Immigration19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseThe Hockey GameWhere Wild and West MeetQuebec and CanadaHip-Hop is ArtThe Spring and Autumn

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Become a Real Critic in Your Critical Analysis Paper

Become a Real Critic in Your Critical Analysis Paper Become a Real Critic in Your Critical Analysis Paper A critical analysis paper is designed to examine a piece of work or article that has been written by someone else and the goal is to determine how effectively they present their point or argument. It is one of the most difficult pieces because many students don’t understand how to handle this type of assignment. However, by following this advice, you will be able to write your paper like a real critic. Read the Piece a Few Times Read the text you need to write a critical analysis on a few times. While you are reading, be sure to try and answer several questions. You can make some notes on the answers to make sure that you can effectively analyze the piece. What is the artist arguing for or against? Analyze the writer’s thesis statement. Decide the context of the argument. Why is the author arguing for the point? Decide if they have provided a solution to the problem they are discussing. Is the solution plausible? Jot down the Supporting Evidence for the Main Points Has the author utilized the information to support their main point or points? Determine the Author’s Appeal to the Reader How does the author appeal to the reader to persuade them to believe in their point? Do they appeal to emotion (pathos)? How about to their logic or reason (logos)? Or their credibility (ethos)? Draw the Line Do any questions arise when you are reading the piece or have all of the questions been effectively answered? Tips that will help you along the way: Always start by introducing your piece giving the pertinent information like the title and author. You will give a brief summary of what the piece is about as well. You should state the author’s argument early in the piece. Possibly even in the first paragraph. Be sure to discuss all of your main points in the introduction and utilize the other paragraphs to describe the evidence relating to each topic and evaluate them individually. Use citations to support your evaluation. Make sure to properly cite the sources using quotes or paraphrased material. Please keep in mind that a critical analysis varies from a summary. It is a critique of the content. The main purpose is to evaluate the piece of work. You will need to decide if the piece is valid, significant, important, useful, or truthful. When you are writing this type of paper, it will be important to remember that you are analyzing how the content is used, rather than just the content itself. Most writers look at the piece and just think about whether or not the story-line works. The focus needs to be on how the content is written. It should concentrate on how the author uses the information to get their point across. This is an entirely different concept than what most people think of when they are writing this type of paper. Think of the â€Å"why† rather than the â€Å"what† and you will be able to ace at this assignment. It is a good idea to find a sample critical analysis essay paper to help you understand how the paper is handled. Read through a few examples and get some ideas on how to get it done. It can be used as a guide that will help you write your paper effectively. You should have all of the help that you need to get the job done. Good luck.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Dark side of Technology video Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dark side of Technology video - Movie Review Example He also looks at nuclear bomb development and how this technology has developed over the past years as well as the problems arising from it. He finally highlights the effects of global warming, which are mainly caused by development of technology and the impact it can have on the future of the human race. I agree with his position mainly because of the possibilities that he cites according to various categories of technological tribulations. According to the video clip, the speaker talks about the possibility of deadly viruses being converted into weapons and this is becoming an ever-increasing threat with development of technology. The fact that the genomes of these viruses are easily available on the internet is a threat in itself because it takes a simple download button and one has the core component of creating this virus. The sequences of deadly virus genomes such as anthrax are readily available on the internet and this itself makes the internet an open source of unlimited threat. Technology also has seen the improvement of research methods and the possibility of the creation of a super virus that has the potential of wiping out the human race. It should be noted that this problem cannot be overlooked. Nuclear energy has also seen a major improvement in technology in recent times especially in the area of nuclear weapons production. The latest technology, whereby, laser beams are used to enrich uranium has the po tential to be developed in the coming years such that it will be inexpensive thus making it accessible to many countries. One can only wonder what would happen if a majority of countries had nuclear weapons and a world war happens to break out. That thought is enough to provoke the thought of the possibility of human extinction. The other negative effect of technology development in the form of global warming has seen the rise of sea levels and in the near future, there will be a possibility of dry land being immersed in water

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Meeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Meeting - Essay Example Conduct Meetings, what do you do if one of the people in the meeting started to talk about things which are not related to the purpose of the meeting? The â€Å"tangentially inclined individuals† are people who take off on unrelated subjects, thereby derailing the conversation and interfering with the pace of the meeting. This may happen if meeting goals/outcomes are not clearly defined, or if the level of detail or the meeting roles are not understood. To handle this scenario, the facilitator must stop and clarify the desired outcome for this particular topic. If possible, he/she must help the group agree on level of detail to discuss before the meeting even gets started. He/she can use a parking lot to record issues to be worked outside the meeting. Finally, he/she should make sure that people feel heard. The most appropriate meeting chairperson is somebody who is (1) level-headed, because meetings can get heated up sometimes, so someone who can keep the harmony in the proceeding is vital; (2) objective, because opposing views are inevitable in meetings, so someone who can weigh the pros and cons can keep things in proper perspective; (3) intelligent enough to understand everything that transpires in the meeting; and (4) sensitive to the fact that everyone’s ideas and personality differences are recognized. b.  How will you ensure that the meeting is time efficient and desired outcomes can be achieved efficiently? E.g. what may be an appropriate time limit on each speaker and how will you try to restricting discussion to agenda items? For the meeting to be time-efficient, certain guidelines must be made clear to all attendees, especially on the issue/s to be discussed so as to avoid veering away from what is relevant. Also, limits to the duration that each speaker can talk must be set, i.e., 2 minutes to present his/her main idea/concern, then ask for extension if necessary. c.  Give at least 2 examples of ethical and legal requirements for a public